Everyone has probably experienced tooth pain at one point or another, whether it be tiny aches, increased sensitivity or agony inducing pain. Pain is our body’s way of telling us something isn’t right. Tooth pain is a little more complicated than other types because the exact cause and source of the pain can be difficult to determine. Tooth pain can come and go with different sensations, such as hot and cold, so it can be hard to decide if the pain is a true issue. What should you do if you experience unknown tooth pain?
The only way to know for certain what’s causing the pain and the severity of the issue is to seek professional care. Our doctors will ask detailed questions on your current state and the pain you’re experiencing, perform diagnostic testing such as x-rays, and try to identify the exact cause of your pain. There are some general ways you can describe what you’re experiencing that may help with your dental assessment:
- Severe Pain: Consistent, unyielding pain that comes in the form of pressure, gum swelling, touch sensitivity, and in some situations, an abscess in the surrounding gum and bone tissue. It’s important to see your dentist as soon as possible not only to alleviate the severe pain, but also to have the best chance to save the tooth.
- Lingering Pain: Some patients experience pain that lingers after eating hot or cold foods. This can indicate that there is disease in the tissue deep inside the tooth, which can cause significant damage if left untreated.
- Sharp Pain: Sharp pain experienced when biting down can be due to severe tooth decay, a loose filling, a cracked tooth, or possibly damaged pulp tissue within the tooth. Treatment options can vary, but you should seek professional care without delay before the pain or issue becomes severe.
No matter the severity of your toothache, please seek treatment if the pain persists. It’s always best to be overcautious with your teeth and we’re here to help in any way that we can!