Sports and Energy Drinks Responsible for Irreversible Damage to Teeth

Sports and Energy Drinks Responsible for Irreversible Damage to Teeth

Many of us think of sports drinks or energy drinks as more healthy alternatives to sodas. While in some respects that may be true, for tooth enamel it is certainly not true. The biggest issue with these drinks are their acidity levels. The acids in these drinks attack tooth enamel and can break it down or wash it away very fast. Once thinned or lost, enamel isĀ irreplaceableĀ and can leave teeth open for decay.

Dr. Amble agrees with the three recommendations from the linked article:

  • Rinse your mouth with water after drinking a sports or energy drink.
  • Chew gum after drinking one of these drinks.
  • Wait to brush your teeth for one hour after drinking so you don’t simply spread the acid around in your mouth.

He adds a fourth suggestion, which is, if you drink these types of drinks–which he does as well–, don’t sip them. Drink them basically straight down, trying to bypass the teeth altogether if you can!

Have a great summer!