One might jump to the assumption that the only person crazy enough to collect over 1,800 tubes of toothpaste would be a dentist — and guess what? You’re right. At the moment, the only guy to have such a collection is, in fact, a dentist named Dr. Val Kolpakov from Saginaw, Michigan, who began his collection back in 2002, and it’s grown to include unusual flavors, misprinted tubes and historical samples. About one fourth of the items are on display in his office waiting room (He specializes in dentures, by the way). Some of the more unusual toothpastes include Hazelnut Chocolate from Italy (Um…okay), Scotch Whiskey 6 Proof and the 31 flavors of Breath Palette (Indian Curry, Pumpkin Pudding or Sweet Salt? How about neither?). The most valuable item in Dr. Val’s collection, is an antique Georgian tooth powder box, from 1801, that cost him $1,500. Back then toothpaste wasn’t even invented. Also, there is WWII era radioactive Doramund toothpaste, when people believed radioactive materials would help rebuild gum tissue. Again…WTF?

We’re happy to find out this dedicated obsessiveness has paid off. The Guinness World Records will soon recognize Dr. Val for having the world’s largest toothpaste collection.

And if you liked that Scotch Whiskey Toothpaste, there are plenty more alcoholic treats for you to brush with, just chose between bourbon, red wine, amaretto or champagne.

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